Wake Up / Health Issue
Wake Up / Masculinity Issue
Digiday Article
Wake Up Weekly
Wake Up / Content Issue
Wake Up / Millennial Issue
Wake Up / Convergence Issue
Wake Up / Gen Z Issue
Wake Up / Latino Issue
Wake Up / Health Issue
Wake Up / Health Issue

In these pages you'll find insights into a range of health-related subjects that resonate within the walls of marketing, media, technology, and culture.

Breakfast for Dinner: Health Episode 1

In our latest Breakfast for Dinner series, we sat down with five health experts to chat about a range of public health issues from vaccine policies to the legalization of marijuana. For more on health, check out our latest Wake Up intel report here.

Truth Booth / Health Teaser

Introducing Omelet’s Truth Booth, a video series featuring real people and their unvarnished opinions on health. 

Wake Up / Masculinity Issue
Wake Up / Masculinity Issue

Today's man isn't what he used to be—he’s a far cry from the beer-chugging, pizza-eating, baby-fearing stereotype. The Man of 2014 (and beyond) is free to craft his own identity, based on a bevy of interests and experiences. This quarter, we set out to track the social trends and cultural twists that have contributed to this shift; this issue’s pages are packed with the insights you need to change the current state of male marketing (manvertising, anyone?). 

Breakfast for Dinner / Dudes on Dudes Episode 1

They say a good man is hard to find, but we found five. And hosted a chat about modern masculinity over omelets and beermosas. For more insights, check out our latest Wake Up intelligence report at bit.ly/wakeupthemenissue.

Breakfast for Dinner / Dudes on Dudes Episode 2

They say a good man is hard to find, but we found five. And hosted a chat about modern masculinity over omelets and beermosas. For more insights, check out our latest Wake Up intel report at bit.ly/wakeupthemenissue.

Digiday Article
Digiday Article
Wake Up Weekly
Wake Up Weekly

Weekly reports covering industry trends, insights, and news in the worlds of marketing, media, entertainment, and technology.




Truth Booth / Masculinity Teaser

Think you know dudes? Think again. Introducing Omelet’s Truth Booth, a video series featuring real people and their unvarnished opinions. Check out the full series at youtube.com/omeletla, and stay tuned for the launch of Wake Up Quarterly: The Men Issue.

Wake Up / Content Issue
Wake Up / Content Issue

Branded content. Agencies are peddling it like snake oil, while media companies and ad-tech firms shill from the crowd, preying off brands’ fear of missing out on the next marketing miracle. Somewhere on the periphery of this madness, actual audiences are starting to take notice of branded content, even consuming and sharing some of the tastier nuggets, making this a great time to step back and take stock of how to strategically develop, produce, and distribute it. In these pages, we’ll demystify the current state of content marketing by breaking down the jargon and hyperbole into simple insights and human truths that you can act on to create stories that audiences want to spend time with, and in turn, build a little brand love.

Wake Up / Millennial Issue
Wake Up / Millennial Issue

Tracking the elusive Millennial. For years now, it's been the subject of much scrutiny and debate among marketers. In these pages you'll find observations, insights, and opportunities on the Millennial audience, from the minds of Omelet's Millennials themselves.

Wake Up / Convergence Issue
Wake Up / Convergence Issue

Our worlds are colliding at an alarming rate. Work and pleasure. Public and private. Real and imagined. As we track and analyze trends that cross the boundaries of marketing, media, entertainment, and technology, the points where these worlds converge are a valuable source of consumer insights and audience intelligence. In these pages, you'll find examples of mash-ups that are driving cultural and behavioral change, and implications for marketers.

Wake Up / Gen Z Issue
Wake Up / Gen Z Issue

While the rest of the world is fixated on Millennials, we've turned our focus to the next wave of consumers who have the rapidly expanding intelligence and influence to change the way we do everything. In these pages, we'll zero in on Generation Z - a group of curious culture curators, adolescent activists and relentless explorers who are poised to be a moving target for years to come.

Wake Up / Latino Issue
Wake Up / Latino Issue

This issue focuses on Latinos, a culture growing and changing at a breakneck pace. In the interest of surfacing real tension points and actionable insights, we've peeled back the layers of conflict and cohesion; identity and influence, assimilation and acculturation. And as we did with our Millennial issue, we turned to Omelet's own Latinos for their perspective and input along the way.